November 20th 2004 Just a One-Fingered Victory Salute
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been going a bit easy on the posts lately. As you might recall, I’ve been rather busy lately, and I haven’t had a lot of time to write. That’s just part of my excuse, though; I also haven’t had anything interesting about which to write. Nothing funny has happened to me lately! I could write about politics again, but that’s no fun, and I’ve even had one Monkey Robot fan expressly request that I not make anymore political posts. As a potential Poli Sci major, I’m not sure I can make that promise, but I will try to post more humorous entries, because we all like to laugh.
Anyway, even though I haven’t posted since last Wednesday, I still have nothing fun to write about. I did, however, find a funny movie of our esteemed president, George W. Bush, giving the camera the finger on a talk show. He gets a real kick out of it, too—just like a cheeky third-grader or a drunken fratboy on MTV’s Spring Break. You should take a look: