August 27th 2004 Back to School
Some of you more astute individuals may have noticed a lack of updates on the website as of late. Well, that’s because your friendly webmaster (that would be me) has started college! In case you can’t tell by the URL at the top of your browser’s window, I am a student at Bucknell University in my hometown of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Orientation for this scholarly experience began last Friday, with classes beginning two days ago. Because of this hectic period of time, I’ve been too busy to post updates on the website. However, I’ve gotten a few moments away from college activities to post a few notes on my back-to-school experiences.
Orientation was certainly not the most interesting thing I’ve ever done in my life. Playfair was less than amazing, and Color Wars was just freezing. However, I am now a fully-qualified Bucknell student with four classes under my belt. This semester I am taking CSCI 180 (Introduction to the Microcomputer Environment), which includes lab credit; EAST 220 (The Japanese Warrior in Literature); FOUN 095 (Hairdos, Piercings, and Tattoos: Body & Identity); and PSYC 100 (General Psychology). (I also have a SLIF 099, a drug and alcohol course that is required for freshman, but that only lasts four weeks.) So far, the classes are quite engaging, and I am enjoying them. I especially enjoy my Foundation seminar and my Japanese literature course. Professor Searles and Professor Lofgren are very interesting and knowledgeable professors, and I highly recommend taking at least one of their courses.
My room is Vedder 272A, which is on the second floor of the northwest wing of Vedder Hall (or, in local parlance, Vedder 2 NW). “Exciting” is certainly an appropriate way to describe the hall. I would love to go into greater detail on the makeup and activities of our hall, but I am saving that for the upcoming Vedder Hall Documentary webpage (stay tuned for details).